Director Cai of Foshan Finance Bureau visited SLK


    Director Cai Wei of the Foshan Finance Bureau and his delegation visited SLK Technologies Inc., highly praising its products and production capabilities.

    On February 27, 2024, Director Cai Wei of the Foshan Finance Bureau led a delegation to conduct a visit of SLK Technologies Inc. Accompanied by Chairman Davy Qiao and CEO Dragon Hu, the delegation first visited the company's production workshops and laboratories, gaining a detailed understanding of the company's production processes and product research and development.
    Chairman Davy Qiao warmly welcomed the delegation led by Director Cai and introduced in detail the company's development history, product characteristics, and future plans. CEO Dragon Hu focused on introducing the company's technical research and development team and innovation capabilities, demonstrating SLK's professional strength in the field of  interconnection products and solutions.

    Since its establishment in 2008, SLK Technologies Inc. has been dedicated to the research and development, design, and production manufacturing of  interconnection products and solutions. The company has a high-quality, professional research and development team that continuously promotes technological innovation and product upgrades to meet market demand.
    Currently, SLK can provide a series of products such as RF connectors, RF adapters, RF cable components, coaxial cables, transient electromagnetic pulse protectors,telecommunications, data communication, test and measurement, medical, industrial automation, semiconductor, aerospace and so on.  etc., which are widely used in many industrial fields such as test measurement, mobile communication, industrial & medical equipment, rail transportation, satellite communication.

    During the visit, Director Cai highly praised the company's products and technology. He believed that the strong competitiveness of SLK's products in the market benefited from the company's powerful research and development strength and production capabilities. At the same time, he praised SLK's ability to integrate industry and supply chains, believing that this ability was of great significance to the company's long-term development.

    In addition, Director Cai also stated that the Foshan Finance Bureau would continue to support the development of enterprises, providing quality financial services and policy support. He hoped that SLK could continue to increase research and development investment, improve product quality and technical level, and make contributions to promoting the economic development of Foshan.

    Chairman Davy Qiao and CEO Dragon Hu expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the delegation. They stated that Surelink would continue to adhere to the company's philosophy, continuously enhance its strength and market competitiveness, and establish an international brand, creating sustained value for society and human development, as stated in the company's vision!